
Jennifer Lana Staples


Since 2005, I have wanted to create a safe haven for children.  This place would provide the resources necessary to equip the next generation to become pillars of strength and grow into prosperous members of society.

While pursuing my B.A. in Psychology and Business Administration, I realized I had a desire to improve the lives of the next generation. I noticed that many schools had dropped  courses intended to provide students with valuable life skills.
For example: home economics, financial literacy, shop class, computer literacy, social dance and etiquette and many more. I want to provide these resources to my community. 

My name is Jennifer Lana Staples.
My immediate family and I have been residents of Sanibel since 1997.
We have worked, played and raised children on Sanibel and Captiva.
It will always be our home and dear to our hearts.  Hence, the name of our Foundation.

My husband and I recently purchased our first home together off Island in Fort Myers. We were fortunate to have escaped Hurricane Ian with no damage to our home, although my husband did lose one of his jobs on Sanibel.  My parents, on the other hand, were not as lucky. They were displaced from Sanibel to our home for months.  We feel incredibly blessed to have been able to provided a safe haven for them.

Immediately after the storm, we thanked God we were safe and felt very lucky.

Many had lost EVERYTHING.

Having gone through Hurricane Ian and coming out reasonably unscathed, we knew we had to help.

Why was I putting my dreams on hold?

Life is too short! 

As a response to this tragedy,  I started
The Sanibel-Captiva Foundation.  

We are here for the long haul.

We are committed to rebuilding our community now and for years to come.

"One Family at a Time"

Let's band together and show the love for this magical place we call home.

If you are in NEED please EMAIL:

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Foundation name is close to another on Sanibel, I'm confused.  Are you affiliated?

This has been a hot topic!  We are NOT affiliated with SCCF - Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (   When creating our name,  it did not occur to us that the public may confuse the two.  We support and applaud all the good SCCF has done and continues to do for our Islands and do not wish to take away from their efforts.  Moving forward,  we all need to work together for the betterment of our community; strength can only come from combing our efforts.

What primary services do you offer?

Programs and literature geared towards teaching children valuable life skills such as: financial literacy, nutrition & wellness, mental health and more.

Why don't you have an address listed?

We bring our programs and services to you!  We partner with schools, community centers and other local program sites geared towards children.  We will even come to your home to present to a small group of homeschool children as well.

Why is the foundation named after Sanibel & Captiva Islands? 

We hold Sanibel and Captiva close to our hearts.  The Founder's family have been residents of Sanibel since 1997. They have lived and worked on both Sanibel & Captiva for years and have many friends and collogues still there.  There is a need not only on our Islands, but beyond,  to lift up the next generation to be strong pillars of our community.

Are you a 501c.3 Non-Profit Charity?

 We already have our EIN # 88-4166237  and are waiting for the final determination letter from the IRS.